Brow Lift Columbus, Ohio | Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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Brow Lift Columbus, Ohio

Brow lift columbus ohio

Raising Expectations Of Brow Lift
Surgery Results

男性和女性都可以从提眉手术中受益——也被称为“前额提拉术”——创造一个更清晰的弓形和平滑的前额. Facial plastic surgeon Dr. 米歇尔·西弗特(Michelle Sieffert)已经完善了她的技术,并为她的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台提供了天然的, more youthful look to the upper face. 前额拉皮,你会看到美丽的效果,没有眉毛的变化!

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The Forehead Lift Surgery Benefits

拉眉可以让你的上脸看起来更年轻. 提眉可以改善面部对称性,减少皱纹,减少眉毛上方松弛的皮肤. 如果需要的话,提眉也可以让你的眉毛更明显. 如果你担心你休息时的表情显得疲倦或不安, a brow lift can help you look more alert.

On top of those aesthetic benefits, 切口通常在发际线上或混入发际线上, so scars are not visible.

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brow lift patient at Donaldson
Expert brow lift surgeon, Dr. Michelle Sieffert

Dr. Michelle Sieffert’s Personalized Approach To Your Confidence

Dr. 西弗特擅长面部整形手术,原因很明显. 她明白,手术从来都不是一刀切的,尤其是在脸部手术方面. 这就是为什么她接受过各种提眉手术的培训,以满足所有患者的需求. Dr. Sieffert会根据你的目标和你的解剖结构给出她的建议. She will discuss the benefits of each and their differences, and then you will work together to finalize your unique plan.

Dr. 西弗特还认为,在手术过程中,应该负责任地处理脆弱的组织, which results in a safer procedure, a faster recovery and a more comfortable overall experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

提眉是可定制的,可以增强眉毛和上面的外观. 前额的皮肤被提升,多余的皮肤被去除,创造一个永久的提升外观. Whether you want to permanently correct forehead creases, lift sagging brows, or balance out asymmetrical brows, Dr. Sieffert will create a plan designed around your specific goals.

提眉是一个很好的方法来获得光滑的前额和持久的提升上脸. 这就是为什么这个手术在RealSelf网站上获得了91%的“物有所值”评分.com out of nearly 800 reviews.

前额提拉术在独立澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网特定问题时是有效的, 但如果患者有其他顾虑,前额提拉术也经常与其他手术/澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网相结合. It is important to consult with a credentialed board-certified facial plastic surgeon 确保提眉术能帮助你达到所有的目标.

Recovery from a brow lift is relatively quick. The night of your surgery, you will feel tired from anesthesia, but the day after your brow lift, you will feel like getting up and moving around. However, 在你的隆眉手术后,你会有身体上的限制,这是由你的外科医生设定的. 在手术后的一个月内,这些将定期被解除.

大约5-7天后(一旦你完全停用止痛药),你就可以重新开始开车了. 两周后,您可以恢复正常的弯腰、举起和家务. 在3周的时候,你可以再次开始锻炼,活动限制完全解除.

所有的缝合线都是可溶解的,所以你不必到办公室去取缝合线. 你将定期与外科团队进行随访, 如果你在预约间隙有什么需要,我们随时都在.

Dr. Sieffert champions endoscopic brow lifting, 这项技术消除了对大的头皮切口的需要. Instead, 内窥镜(手术视频设备)和狭窄的器械通过发际线上的小切口放置. 这使得皮肤下的组织和肌肉可以被重新定位、改变或移除.


因为有各种各样的提眉手术,所以价格范围很广. 提眉/前额提拉术的价格通常在7500美元到10000美元之间. The price is completely dependent on your unique plan. Dr. 西弗特的手术团队会在会诊期间为您的计划提供准确的报价.

This is dependent on your aesthetic goals. Which areas of the face would you like to tighten up?

  • Brow lifts address the corner of the eyes and up
  • Eyelid surgery addresses just eyelid skin
  • Facelifts address the corner of the mouth and down

Oftentimes, these facial procedures are combined. A combination of brow lift and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) will give you an eye-opening, full upper-face rejuvenation.

A brow lift-facelift combination is an excellent solution for anti-aging. 如果脸部下部有多余的皮肤或松弛, then the same is likely for the upper portion.

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提眉手术是一种安全有效的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,为个人寻求解决下垂或下垂的眉毛,实现更年轻和清新的外观, specifically above the brows and into the forehead region. We invite you to book your personal consultation today!

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