唇填料 俄亥俄州都柏林
嘴唇通常是脸部最重要的特征之一. 然而, 不是每个人生来嘴唇就丰满, 而那些肥胖的人会随着时间的推移而体积和形状下降. 唇填料 对于那些想要让嘴唇更丰满的人来说,这是一种流行的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法吗. Our expert injectors are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals and make your lips your new favorite feature!
丰唇的主要目的是获得更大的体积,丰满的嘴唇. 在整形外科领域, “augmentation”这个词的意思是体积的增加, 填充物最终能帮助我们达到什么效果.
当你接受丰唇澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网时, 你的嘴唇会在大小和突出程度上变得更加明显和清晰, 效果立竿见影. After, patients often their lips make them feel more confident, desirable and beautiful than before!
我们的专家采取巧妙的方法来填充嘴唇和恢复失去的体积. We use precise injection techniques that enhance beauty while maintaining facial identity and elevating your face’s natural beauty. 没有放之四海而皆准的唇部填充物, 这就是为什么这种针对每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台解剖结构的定制方法如此重要.
逐步增强嘴唇是我们使用的最常见的技术. If you are looking to add significant volume, your treatment plan may involve more than one session. 我们可能会先讨论添加嘴唇的底层结构, then employ a series of several different techniques to build the lips up over time. This gradual method results in very beautiful volume — lips that look natural and not “overdone.”
一个常见的误解是,它总是导致假唇, “鸭子”的地方, 或者膨胀的嘴唇. 虽然这种外观是可以实现的, the techniques used by an experienced injector can enhance and manipulate the natural shape of the lips without distorting your natural features.
唇填料 isn’t just all about adding volume – the benefits of lip augmentation also include improving the lips’ shape, 水合作用的样子, 平衡和对称. 嘴唇的形状可以修改,使某些特征更明显, one of our skillful injectors can help you create the lip shape you have always wanted. 唇部填充物可以使你的上唇或下唇更丰满, 突出或软化丘比特弓的顶点, 矫正嘴唇凹凸, 画唇的外边缘,这样更清晰, 修复下垂的角落和更多!
通过使用唇填料,也可以恢复更成熟的嘴唇失去的体积. Lips tend to be one of the first areas to lose their youthful fullness as skin loses elasticity and moisture. 通过老化过程, 身体自然产生较少的透明质酸(它与水分结合), 导致嘴唇逐渐看起来更瘪,更缺水. 这可以创造一个干燥,薄,“吸烟者线”类型的外观. Filler can help to correct this by restoring the volume that was lost and filling in vertical lip lines surrounding the lips, 双唇回春,更显青春, 水化状态.
Our trained lip filler providers can actually give an overall more cohesive look to the face by creating a more flattering lip shape and proportion. This is where facial balance comes into play; and why your injector will pay special attention to your lips’ relation to your other features, 比如下巴, 下颌的轮廓, 鼻子, 眼睛, 和脸型. It’s not just about making your lips look beautiful; it is also about how changes made to your lips will enhance or detract from other features of your face. 唇部注射的最大好处之一? 增加了口红的房地产!
Almost any individual who wishes to enhance the look and shape of their lips can find themselves as a candidate for lip augmentation. 无论你是想恢复失去的体积还是让你的嘴唇更引人注目, 唇填料是一个受欢迎的选择,因为它是通用的和容易获得的.
理想的候选人整体健康状况良好, has a 清晰的 understanding of the procedure and holds realistic expectations for their results.
调度前, candidates for treatment must have a consultation with one of our aesthetic injectors to discuss their goals and expectations, 哪一种会在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网当天发生. 一些对利多卡因敏感的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, 疾病, 感染或出血性疾病可能不适合填充物. Please inform your injector of any conditions you may have during your consultation to ensure you are a candidate.
一针注射器的平均成本在700 - 900美元之间. During your consultation appointment, the exact cost of your treatment will be determined.
澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后立即, your injector will provide you with a complimentary iced compress to alleviate any discomfort. Aftercare is usually minimal and typically involves icing to reduce post-injection swelling.
- 使用冰袋或冷敷间歇性地防止肿胀
- 在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后的几天里,限制阳光照射和喝大量的水
- Arnica gel (available for purchase in the office) can also be applied to your lips to reduce the potential for swelling and bruising, 或山金车片可以口服同样的效果
一般来说,丰唇是一种风险最小的手术. 然而, “低风险”并不意味着“没有风险”,” which is why the medical professionals at Donaldson整形外科 are committed to providing all procedures in safe environment, 把澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的安全放在第一位.
- 短期的瘀伤
- 肿胀
- 小肿块和肿块
- 不舒服的 & 注射部位周围
这是你身体的自然炎症反应, 这种影响通常会在一周内消退. Lumps and bumps in the lips will smooth out naturally over the course of a couple of weeks. 这些症状可能会持续更长时间, 或者那个红色, 温柔, 可能会出现出血. 在某些个体中, inflammation after treatment may trigger the appearance of site-specific cold sores or rashes.
其他, 不太常见, possible side effects include more serious complications related to vascular occlusion or infection.
你已经预约了丰唇手术! 现在,? You can prepare for your consultation by researching the steps for treatment and recovery, 通过对你想要的结果有一个清晰的愿景. 我们建议您收集有关澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的任何问题, 还有你想在咨询时给你的医生看的那种嘴唇的照片.
在你手术前的几天里, 多喝水,让皮肤保持水分,准备好接受澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 停止服用阿司匹林, 布洛芬, 复合维生素, 鱼油, 在预约前3天补充维生素E, 因为它们可以起到血液稀释剂的作用,这可能会导致你的瘀伤.
最后, 如果谨慎对你来说很重要的话,准备好给自己休息的时间, prepare to keep in-person interactions to a minimum for a few days to a week following your appointment. 在你的肿胀和瘀伤消退后, 你的朋友和家人会很高兴看到你漂亮的结果!
这个问题的答案是:只要你愿意! 在进行后续预约之前, 我们要求澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台等待整整两周让肿胀消退. 在这一点上, 补妆, 调整, 你还可以根据自己的喜好对填充物进行调整. 如果你对澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网满意,不需要随访!
If, for any reason, you are unhappy with the outcome, please call our office to discuss. 填料可以调整,或简单和安全溶解使用透明质酸酶. 我们请您再等两周再寻求这些选择.
填充物的使用量很大程度上取决于个人的嘴唇解剖结构和目的. 然而, it is typical to receive at least one 1 ml syringe of filler during your lip augmentation for a subtle, 然而有效的, 增强. 这个量可能看起来不是很多产品(相当于一茶匙), but proper placement and distribution is an equally important factor that gives the lips a fuller shape and appearance.
取决于你想要更大的音量, two or three syringes may be more appropriate for you — this can either be performed in a single visit or over the course of multiple visits, 根据你的注射器的建议. 实际, more dramatic results from lip filler (as popular on Instagram) are achieved with the use of multiple syringes, 经过一段时间积累起来的.
唇部填充物的使用时间平均为8个月到一年. 填充物不是永久性的,随着时间的推移会自然溶解. 填充物的使用寿命因人而异, 并将在很大程度上受到两个主要因素的影响:所使用的填料类型, 以及放置填充物的区域. 在频繁运动的部位,比如嘴唇, 填充物迅速分解的可能性更高.
代谢率较高的人,其填充物的寿命也可能较短, 因为他们的身体倾向于更快地分解物质. You may find yourself ready for another treatment before your filler is completely gone in order to maintain the best results.
隆唇所用的填充物的类型最好留给你的注射器. 我们使用高级透明质酸(HA)填充物来丰唇. HA是自然发生的, 清晰的, 凝胶状物质,保持皮肤水分和健康, 也是大多数真皮填充物的基础. 由经验丰富的注射器放置, 它们会随着脸部动态移动, 看起来和感觉都很自然!
不同类型的填料被用来达到不同的目的. 通常, the best fillers for the lips are soft to the touch; Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm超, RHA 2, RHA 3, 重密度唇线填料 或Restylane是理想的丰唇产品,因为它们可以显著增加丰唇, 但它们足够灵活,可以模仿自然嘴唇组织. 您的注射器将与您讨论每种类型的好处, they will use their expertise to determine which filler is best to achieve your lips’ best look and shape.
We understand that confidence and trust are built by you being in control of your own aesthetic plan. 我们的全体员工将为您提供出色的服务,您会喜欢您的经历的. 我们邀请您今天和我们一起安排时间!
Get to know more about what to expect from your first lip filler appointment from the perspective of a Donaldson整形外科 patient.
你在考虑用真皮填充物来美化你的嘴唇吗? 帮助你自信地走进诊所, we have created this guide to help you fully understand what to expect from your first filler appointment.
真皮填充物不会造成伤害,但在短时间内会让人不舒服. Methods are available — both before and during your treatment — to safely mitigate your discomfort.