Tummy Tuck 俄亥俄州哥伦布市
The tummy tuck (也被称为腹部成形术)是针对有孩子的患者, 重量波动, 年老或有家族特征,腹部有多余的重量. 这个过程融合了审美精致和功能恢复. 我们的外科医生去除脂肪, 收紧皮肤,重建皮下肌肉组织, 打造更平坦的轮廓. Tummy tuck may be performed by itself, or combined with other procedures as a mommy makeover.
腹部整形手术强调安全 & 自然的结果
Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森和博士. 米歇尔·西弗特对腹部除皱技术的每一个细节都一丝不苟, 他们都被广泛认为是美丽的, 长期的结果.
Our surgeons take their time to make incisions as thin and as low as possible so they may be concealed easily. Drs. 唐纳森和西弗特认为,肚脐应该看起来完全正常和自然, with a pleasant vertical indentation and no obvious external scar – they hide the scar on the inner walls of the naval whenever possible. 我们的外科医生喜欢让侧翼弯曲,突出沙漏形, 而不是把两边弄平.
An abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) is a surgical procedure that flattens the abdominal contour. 这个过程是根据每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的解剖结构和目标量身定制的, 但总的来说,它的结果是更瘦, 更流畅的身材与增强曲线的两侧.
- 修复任何分离的腹直肌(六块腹肌)
- 去除肚脐和阴部之间顽固的脂肪
- 修复肚脐
- 改善 妊娠纹的外观
- 收紧腹部皮肤
作为一个相对低风险的手术, the tummy tuck procedure allows individuals to contour their bodies in ways that diet and exercise often do not. If you are frustrated when you look in the mirror because your hard work does not seem to make your belly any better, 那么腹部除皱可能是最好的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.
腹部除皱, 也称为腹部成形术, is designed to remove the sagging skin and excess tissue that contributes to an unshapely appearance. 在一次腹部成形术中. 唐纳森和西弗特创造了一个平面, 通过修复腹部肌肉,使轮廓更年轻, 去除脂肪,紧致肌肤. “腰间赘肉”会随着曲线、沙漏型身材的形成而减少.
Pregnancy is the number one reason cited for abdominoplasty because it changes the abdominal contour in predictable ways by thinning the connection between the abdominal muscles, 以脂肪的形式增加婴儿体重不会消失, 造成永久性妊娠纹 慢性背痛. A tummy tuck provides the only way to correct all of these physical changes at the same time. 如果你怀孕过一次或多次,不喜欢自己的体型, 那么腹部除皱手术可能很适合你.
通过饮食逐渐增加和/或减轻体重, 运动或减肥手术也会导致圆润和松弛, 挂皮肤. 如果这些是你的情况,那么腹部成形术也可能会改善它们.
预期 & 其他的考虑
Patients should be in good health and reasonably close (within 10-20 pounds) to their average normal weight. 你越接近理想体重, 我们的外科医生就越容易创造出理想的结果. 腹部成形术与抽脂术同时进行可能会有进一步的好处, 尤其是胸部下面和/或侧翼周围.
Your consultation is your opportunity to get answers to all your questions about the tummy tuck procedure, especially all of the knowledge that is unique to you and your individual circumstances that you cannot find online.
在此期间, 我们的团队将讨论这个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的细微差别, 前期规划的考虑, 适当的安置, recovery timelines and any additional procedures or treatments that will help you reach your confidence goals. 这些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台通常包括抽脂, 隆胸, breast lift and labiaplasty. 这种组合通常被称为 妈妈改造.
我们将调整讨论内容 & 给你的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网
我们的团队还将为您进行全面的身体检查, obtain important measurements and deliver tummy tuck before and after photos that best reflect what you can expect from your results. 你可以讨论你的病史,以确保最大限度的安全, 价格信息, 融资方案和安排.
- 康复需要多长时间,我可以预期到哪些阶段的进展?
- 我什么时候能回去工作?
- 这个手术有融资选择吗?
- 我可能需要进一步的手术吗?
- 这些结果是永久性的吗??
- 如果我体重增加或减少,或者怀孕了怎么办?
- 最常见的风险或并发症是什么?
在你做腹部成形术前的几个月里, 保持健康的生活方式,包括锻炼, 均衡的饮食, 限酒不吸烟. 吸烟会损害愈合过程并导致伤口问题, 感染和瘢痕不良, 所以在手术前几周戒烟是很重要的.
Our experts strongly urge patients to discontinue medications that “thin the blood” or increase bleeding such as aspirin, 布洛芬和维生素E和鱼油等补充剂. 我们会提前提供禁用物质清单, 这样你就能在手术前及时戒掉.
准备好你的家 & 恢复办公室
第一周站直会很困难, 所以把个人物品整理好并放在触手可及的地方是很有帮助的. Establish a comfortable environment for healing and recruit a friend or family member to help you. Your post-operative condition will make everyday tasks more difficult for the first few days, 因此,提前制定一个适当的计划将使你的恢复更容易.
手术后总会留下疤痕, 但它会很低——在公共线的顶端——而且会随着时间的推移而消失. The length is different for every patient but is generally from hip to hip on the front of the abdomen. 如果手术前腹部较大,皮肤褶皱延伸到两侧, 然后疤痕也可能会缠绕到腹部(扩大腹部成形术)。.
大约在手术后两周, 手术胶开始脱落, 现在是时候开始医学级别的疤痕澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网了. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 西弗特和他们的员工会教你怎么做 按摩疤痕啫喱 或者每天两次沿着愈合区域涂奶油,他们会帮助监测你的进展. 疤痕的最终外观通常需要几个月到一年的时间才能形成.
如果你有一个愈合良好的剖腹产疤痕. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert可以选择简单地在任意一侧扩展它. 如果剖腹产留下的疤痕很宽或形成了“台阶”畸形, then they will likely remove or revise it at the time of the tummy tuck to ensure the best possible results.
Tummy tuck surgery recovery usually requires at least a week to ten days away from work and other normal activities, 四到六周后恢复锻炼. 最初的几天是最困难的, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在阅读和看电视时往往会放松下来.
It is important to stand up and take short walks throughout the day – even right after surgery – but otherwise, 需要休息. Your belly will seem tight, so staying in a “bent-over” position while walking provides relief. 当你躺下的时候,你的头和脚应该放在枕头上. It is very helpful to have a friend or family member available for assistance during this period.
一个星期过去了, 大多数澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台都站得相当直, 小排水管被拆除, 这种不适已经基本消退. 许多正常活动可以恢复,包括体力劳动的减少. Our surgeons will also recommend several homeopathic supplements to continue the healing process.
手术后, your incisions will be covered with light dressings and a supportive sports-style bra that detaches in front. 在恢复期佩戴这个胸罩可以减少肿胀, support the breasts as they heal and hold breasts symmetrically during the healing process without an irritating underwire.
我们的团队会给你开一些止痛药来减轻你的不适, 并为您提供具体的术后指导. 我们的工作人员将协助您协调后续预约. Typically, you can resume your normal activities within 1-2 weeks and rigorous athletics within 4-6 weeks. 疤痕应在6-12个月内消退.
The Donaldson整形外科 team has created several easy-to-follow 视频教程 for your tummy tuck postoperative care: 腹部除皱后如何行走、站立和坐姿
View more 视频教程:
Every operation has associated risks; however, Drs. Donaldson和Sieffert采取了许多措施来减少和避免它们. 通过细致的手术和无菌技术预防出血和感染, 以及明确的术后指导和抗生素. Fluid collections are minimized with the placement of a small drain that is removed after approximately one week.
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT or blood clots) is significantly decreased through sub-cutaneous heparin and sequential compression devices (SCD’s) before and during surgery, 术后早期走动. Thickened or widened scars are generally avoided by closing the incision at four separate levels and using dissolvable sutures during surgery, 同时在恢复过程中涂抹疤痕凝胶和轻柔按摩.
避免吸烟 & 不惜一切代价吸食尼古丁
吸烟, 以及其他形式的烟草使用, 显著增加伤口并发症和伤口分离的风险. 尼古丁会减少流向皮肤的血液,限制身体的自愈能力. 这会导致皮肤脱落、瘢痕和脂肪坏死.
- 麻醉反应
- Asymmetry
- 翻修手术的可能性
- 慢性疼痛
- 麻木或皮肤感觉的其他变化
- 皮肤变色和/或长时间肿胀
在你的咨询过程中解决你可能对并发症的任何担忧. 并发症总是有可能发生的,所以最好提前做好准备,咨询医生. 唐纳森,博士. Sieffert和我们的员工讨论您的具体风险以及如何预防这些风险.
The average 在俄亥俄州哥伦布市做腹部整形手术的费用 从8500美元到14000美元不等. 这取决于几个因素, 包括手术费, the amount of fat that is removed throughout the surgery and any additional procedures that may help you reach your desired results.
Our two board-certified surgeons are highly regarded for their meticulous approach to abdominoplasty, 经过多年的磨练,他们的技能得到了提高. Dr. Donaldson和Dr. 西弗特花了额外的时间隐藏切口, 创造一个有吸引力的脐带形状, curving the flanks and combining liposuction techniques as necessary to realize the best possible outcome.
腹部整形手术后, 我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台对他们穿着日常服装感到多么舒适赞不绝口, 她们穿漂亮的裙子有多好看, 有时他们甚至还会穿比基尼!
我们经常听说哥伦布的腹部整形手术, 让我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在日常活动中更有澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 在体育, 在度假和亲密的场合. 我们邀请您与我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, book your initial consultation and determine whether you want to join our community of happy patients!
腹部除皱手术后的恢复并不一定会不舒服! This checklist of must-haves and additional optional items will help keep you comfortable as you recover.
腹部除皱术是不可思议的, 变革的过程——这一切都始于最初的对话. 了解更多关于你可以期待在你的腹部除皱咨询!
腹部除皱术是一项不可思议的、改变人生的手术. We invite you to learn more about what happens throughout the procedure — from surgical prep, to numbing, 到腹部收紧及其他部位.